Friday, November 11, 2011

Shades of Autumn -- Brown

I thought there was a lot of purple in the world...well, is EVERYWHERE!  So we better just get started.

It has been a most gorgeous fall here this year.  I don't know if it is because I see the beauty more easily with my camera or because the colors have just been all that more beautiful.  Certainly the sun shining has caused all the spectacular fall colors to shimmer and shine in a way that causes me to fill my memory card day after day.  This is my selections severely culled!

Now I don't have very many photos for white yet, so next week might be a more reasonable post.  However, most of these photos are from this week.  The leaves on the trees seem to be following the shades exactly as we progress, which I know is not true for other areas.  I hope that doesn't mean we get snow for white next week!
Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge


little macaroon. said...

gasp! that dewy/frosty leaf is wonderful! Your photos are stunning.

Anonymous said...

Your images are all lovely, I love the bird, what a great capture. You took my breath away with the dewy leaf, stunning!

Preschool Math Games For Kids said...

Awesome pics..!

Dominique@Dominique's Desk said...

Love your selection of browns.. awesome pics.

No Greater Love said...

I literally can't pick a favorite. I keep going back and looking...and I think they are all so fantastic that I can't even say which I like the best!

karen said...

I love all of your photos, my favorite is the dewy leaf--stunning!

Beth @ Hope And Coffee said...

Beautiful photos!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Fabulous brown Cedar!!! Just beautiful

Susan said...

What great finds! I LOVE that first shot. I don’t know what there is about it, but it is just so interesting, and the light is indeed perfect!

Angi said...

wonderful series of brown photos! love them all

4 Lettre Words said...

Really, really beautiful...but I adore that collage! Wow.

Dawn said...

Wow!! These are amazing Cedar!! LOVE the water on the single leaf! Gorgeous!!

Carletta said...

As I scrolled down I lost track of the ones I thought I liked best. :)
All of these are wonderfully captured! #'s 10-12 I LOVE!
The gorgeous little one with the sweet smile and warm brown hair is a precious portrait.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

So wonderful autumn shots. Amazing details. Beautiful ! Have a nice weekend.

Leovi said...

They really are some very beautiful photos, collecting interesting details and beautiful fall colors. My favorite is the second.

Anonymous said...

beautiful very beautiful! the light in your phtos are pretty!!!
my favorites are 3, 10 and 11...

Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

Satakieli said...

Beautiful photos, the dove looks like I could just reach out and touch it. The feathers look so soft :)

Thanks for taking part again in the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge, it's good to have you!

Serendipity is Sweet said...

These are really beautiful. #5 I just adore!!! Well done ;)

Unknown said...

i love every single one. absolutely breathtaking. awesome job.

M said...

How beautiful can Brown be? Thank You for showing us!

kewkew said...

Lovely brown shots. I really love those leaf shots and the bird is beautiful.

Nayana said...

These are stunning..truly love these.

Rebecca said...

What an awesome photo series! I'm not sure which is my favorite :) Thanks for sharing!

Dawn said...

I think this brown series of photos, is one of my favorites of yours! Beautiful captures!!!

Aud's Space said...

That bird capture is amazing! they were all great!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Cedar, your photography has really grown leaps and bounds! It's been so exciting watching this transformation take place! So many exquisite shots, but I've gotta say that my favorite shot is of your little girl. What a doll!
Thanks for joining us in the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge. I hope you'll be back again on Friday for our new theme, white. Have a great day!

alicia said...

Such stunning photos! I've been scrolling up and down over and over trying to pick a fav. Tough one. I'm leaning towards one of your leaves. But they are all beautiful. Great work!